Daily Devotional #1,603

One of the ways that Jesus describes his relationship with those who believe him and receive him is to call you friends. When you think about your friends, or even what kind of a friend you are to others, that is a pretty amazing statement. We have friends who end up being kind of goofy, erratic and even a little bit crazy. That’s pretty much how we all act. But God looks at us and chooses us and tells us we are his friends. I’m always mystified as to why exactly this Jesus of the Bible loves me. He doesn’t have to...but he chooses to. He likes us. His love is so great that we end up in some way being a delight to him! So we are children of God, followers of God....but now friends of God. And he wants to spend time with you and me because he wants us to know him...because we are his friends. He want’s us to not only know him, but wants us to know what he is doing. And to even be partners with him in his work in this world. So I don’t know how many friends you have or even think you have. But when you come to Christ, and give your heart to him...you can truly say “What a friend I have in Jesus!” Invite your friend to come and walk with you today...and make sure to take some good time to talk with your real forever friend!

Here’s our Bible verse for today...

John 15:15 NLT I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.

Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ
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