Daily Devotional #1,595

We are getting ready to restart our AWANA Club next month. One of the things that I like best about our AWANA is the emphasis on helping kids learn how to memorize Bible verses. Why do that? Well, once you commit that verse to memory, you have it locked in your brain! And what happens is that when the subject of that verse comes up in life, you have what the Bible says about it immediately. For me, I can remember the very first Bible verse that I memorized after I asked this Jesus of the Bible into my heart and life. I was reading my Bible regularly for the first time and there was a verse that just jumped out at me...and I thought, I want to be able to have that one to come back to any time I needed to hear that. It was Mark 10:27 BSB Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God.” There have been a lot of situations that I’ve run into since I memorized that verse where I needed to hear that there will be things that I won’t be able to do. But there will never be a situation that is impossible for God. With God in your life...anything is possible. When you memorize a Bible verse, it is uniquely yours, for as long as you hang around this planet. And, you don’t need to come to AWANA to do that. But we will help and encourage kids to learn as much as they can and in doing so, give them a whole bucket full of promises from God that can be drawn out to comfort, challenge, encourage or any number of things in their lives. So read your Bibles, but take time to take one of those that is special to you and memorize it. Because when you do...it is your life-long helper whenever you need it!

Here's our Bible verse for today...

Psalms 119:11-12 NLT I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. (12) I praise you, O LORD; teach me your decrees.

Remember I’m praying for you!
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