Daily Devotional #1,594

I like to scan Facebook to see what people are thinking, advocating or even advertising. I want to see what people are talking about and what they are being bombarded with. I ran across something that I’ve not seen before that was really intriguing to me. It was a series of short videos, made by different people, in different settings and done very well. But the content of each one of them was why you shouldn’t believe that Jesus was who he said he was. They pulled out some Bible verses, but I felt they were taken out of context or out of the historical setting. I’ve heard this kind of thing for years, but the thing that stuck me was that they are urging you not to believe in the Jesus of the Bible...but gave no kind of alternative. It wasn’t that you needed to try this religion or that philosophy or even another way of living life. There is just kind of a blank. The ones who are doing this have put in a lot of time and energy and maybe even money...to just try to convince you to not believe in him, at least not believe in the Jesus described in the Biblical documents. They have no alternative, no passion, no mission except to convince you to not believe in the Biblical Jesus. I suppose that there will always be people like that, so what do you do? Easy...you just read your Bible. Oh...just drink the Kool-Ade and kiss your brains goodbye? No...I would question everything...put it to an honest test. Why? Because the Bible can handle whatever you want to honestly throw at it. And as for believing in this Jesus, the Apostle John wrote that there were many miraculous signs that were recorded by the people of that day who witnessed them. And that the things that ended up in print, in the Bible itself, were written so that you would have what you needed to continue to believe in this Jesus. That he was and is the Messiah, the Son of God and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name. So, everyone has a choice as to what they will believe. The reality is that you and I must choose wisely...because the Bible says everything for your future depends on what you decide. Me? Well, I’m throwing in with the Jesus of the Bible. The scriptures coupled with my personal experience with him convince me that there is no other reasonable, rational place to go.

Here’s our Bible verse for today...

John 20:30-31 NLT The disciples saw Jesus do many other miraculous signs in addition to the ones recorded in this book. (31) But these are written so that you may continue to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing in him you will have life by the power of his name.

Remember I’m praying for you!
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