Daily Devotional #1,593

I was watching one of my favorite westerns the other day (while on my bike!) and I hadn’t realized how often they used the phrase “There are two types of people in this world...” and then there would be something like some have guns and others don’t or some other wild west kind of thing. I had never remembered them repeating that as the way they did. It brought back something that a guy once told me about doing ministry for Youth for Christ in an area that wasn’t known for being especially friendly or even open to Biblical Christianity.
I asked him what it was like doing that kind of ministry in that kind of place. And he said just one thing to me. He said “I found out that there are only two kinds of people in the world...people who know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior...and those who don’t. And he was right. We have all kinds of ways that we like to divide people into haves and have nots...but maybe all those are done to mask the only real way that people are different. We all are really the same except some know this Jesus as their Lord and Savior...and some don’t...at least not yet. I wonder if all the other things we use to divide us are really just to cloud this one issue. This is it according to the Bible...there are no differences between us except this one...those who know this Jesus Christ and those who don’t. And the wonderful thing is that God wants everyone to be on his side! And it has already been paid for...you just have to come and grab your spot in the family of God like he has asked us to do. So do  what you can to make that division disappear...not by denying it. But to get the folks you love to come on over to God’s side...because we are all the same here. Broken people loved and saved and prepared for a great big beautiful tomorrow!

Here’s our Bible verse for today...

Matthew 25:46 NLT “And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life.”

Remember I’m praying for you!
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