Daily Devotional #1,589

I was with a group of guys at church the other day and we started talking about some of our pet peeves. One that we all agreed that we disliked was the way that people would leave shopping carts all over the Walmart parking lot. Yeah, it wasn’t earth shaking, but we had all experienced it. We talked about times when we would try to pull into a parking stall and there was a shopping cart sitting right in the middle of it. And the thing was that it was just a matter of a few feet from the place where the carts are kept until brought back into the store. We agreed that people were just being lazy. I know that there might have been some special circumstances where someone had rush away...but they are everywhere! As we talked, I asked if maybe that showed a lack of love or even concern for others who would be coming in next. That maybe the root of the laziness was really rooted in a failure to think of others...and to do the loving thing for them. Later that night I went back to my Bible search tool and I found a verse that I felt addressed this. The Apostle Paul was writing to the Roman church and he said that we should not just pretend to love others...but really love them and to take delight in honoring others. And right after that he said “Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.” I know this is just a little thing, but it reminds me that love shows itself in little things. And love always involves some kind of sacrifice of time or effort or choice. So look around and see what little things you might do that are the right and good thing to do and will make life just a bit easier for someone else. They may never even think to thank you...but every time you show any kind of love, you honor the God who loves you and me so much. Make him look good by letting the world see his children bring some love and kindness to the world...and maybe even to a parking lot!

Here’s our Bible verse for today...

Romans 12:9-11 NLT Don’t just pretend to love others. Really love them. Hate what is wrong. Hold tightly to what is good. (10) Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other. (11) Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.

Remember I’m praying for you!
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