Daily Devotional #1,578

Imagine that you won a contest and the prize was the gift of $1,440 given to you each day...for the rest of your life! That would be awesome!! But there is a catch...you have to spend all $1,440 every day...you cannot carry it over to tomorrow. But, that tomorrow will bring you another $1440 that you get to spend any way you want. Well, that’s probably not going to happen...but all of us are winners, recipients of a wonderful gift each day. As soon as the clock clicks to midnight, a new day begins and God gives us the gift of 1440 minutes that we get to spend any way we want! They are ours, but we cannot bank those minutes and use them on another day. When that clock strikes midnight, the old minutes are gone. The Bible reminds us that you and I are not going to live on this earth, in this world forever. If you have entered into a relationship with this Jesus of the Bible, when this life ends, you will immediately be with him. We are saved by God’s grace, not by anything we did or ever could do. But...the Bible tells us that God is a rewarder for what we do for him and his kingdom in this life. It doesn’t have anything to do with whether or not we go to heaven...that is done by simple faith in Christ for what he did for us on the cross. But it does, in some way, impact how you will spend forever with God. So I’m thinking that the best way to get ready for a great eternity is to use those minutes that we get each day to do all the good we can, while we can for this God who is preparing a place for those who love him. We have the opportunity to not only bring great good to our world and the people here, but by investing in the life that God calls us to live, we are investing in our own futures too. So first, check out that Bible and talk to God and see what he might want you to be doing. Not just way down the road, but for each day. And then second, take those minutes you and I are given and go spend them on stuff that will give people a better opportunity to see the goodness and greatness of our God and, you will bring honor to God while you do it. So take a look at the clock right now! See what time it is and figure out how you can be investing some of those minutes in the lives of those you love and those who you will come in contact with. And then you will bring purpose and value to your days...and you will make every minute count!

Here’s our Bible verse for today...

Ephesians 5:15-17 CEV Act like people with good sense and not like fools. (16) These are evil times, so make every minute count. (17) Don't be stupid. Instead, find out what the Lord wants you to do.

Remember I’m praying for you!