Daily Devotional #1,565

I spend a lot of time on an exercise bike and end up watching movies and old TV shows on my computer while I pedal away the hours. One of the shows that I got hooked on is about a team of doctors who are at a teaching hospital and their job is to diagnose and treat patients that no one else can cure. They first have to diagnose the disease and then they have to come up with a treatment. Each episode they have all kinds of options, and they search all over for what will take away the disease and cure the patient. It is fun for me to watch but I always think about what that must be like in real life. To be dying of something and not know what the cure is. One of the scriptures that is so comforting to me is really offensive to many people. It comes from Jesus telling his disciples that he is the only way to be able to be forgiven of sin and connect with the God of creation. And the way he made that possible was through his death on the cross. He is telling us that we have a fatal disease called sin. And it will lead to eternal death. But there is one cure and only one cure for that disease…and it is him, Jesus Christ. The tension on the medical TV show is the search for the one thing that will save that person’s life. And in real life Jesus boldly and publicly proclaims that he is the one thing that will bring that cure. And to receive it we only need to have the will to humble ourselves and choose to believe in him and receive the forgiveness that has been paid for on that cross 2,000 years ago. And in an instant…cured! And the really awesome thing is that this cure takes less than the 45 minutes the ones on TV take! There is only one cure for the disease that has infected the whole human race. Take the cure…and then don’t be afraid to share that with those sick and dying of this disease that is 100% curable. But that there is only one exclusive cure…but anyone can receive it…and live forever!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

John 14:6 BSB Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

Remember I’m praying for you!
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