Daily Devotional #1,562

We have spoiled chicken at our house. Actually, we have two spoiled chickens, Betty and Judy in our backyard. They have a house inside a pen that they can run around in and yet be safe from any predators. They were completely content…and then we did it. We started giving them a short time each day to just have the run of the backyard. We have to keep a close watch on them because they head over to the garden and start munching on the tops of all the stuff growing there. But they enjoy eating other vegetation and bugs the girls find in the grass. But what has happened is that now, when we come out in the back yard, the hens start squawking at the gate because they want to be let out every time we are there now. What was a special gift of our time and watchful care has become a “chicken right”. I thought about how that is so much like us humans. We have a God who blesses us…and does that more than we know and certainly more than we give him credit for. And we become used to him doing what was a special gift…but we are owed this now! How often do we thank God for his wonderful gifts to us? And I don’t mean just big gifts, but how often do we wake up and thank God that he has given us another day? Or the ability to see? Or someone to love us…or that we can love? How about food for our table and clean water to drink and wash with. We are like Betty and Judy…who by the way never say thank you! The psalmist tells us to enter God’s gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise and give thanks to him and bless His name. Do that, because God has been good to us and faithful in all things for us. And on this 4th of July holiday week, don’t forget to tell him “Thank you” for this country and for the wonderful ways that he has blessed us in the past and continues to do so today!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Psalms 100:4-5 BSB Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and bless His name. (5) For the LORD is good, and His loving devotion endures forever; His faithfulness continues to all generations.

Remember I’m praying for you!
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