Daily Devotional #1,551

I do my share of the shopping for our family, and I find myself in line at Walmart an awful lot! I like watching people to see what they are doing and how they are responding to what is going on around them. One of the things that always causes me to just shake my head though is the person who has this huge basket full of stuff and they just stand there and watch it go into bags and are placed back in their shopping carts. And then the checker turns to them and says, “That will be so many dollars for today.” And so often the person will suddenly come alive, almost shocked that they are going to have to pay for all this stuff! They will grab their purse or wallet and begin to rummage around as though they are taken by surprise that there would be something due for all the shopping they have done. I am very polite and don’t say anything or make a face…but when I see that happen, I always think about how that is how so many of our friends and neighbors and family are living in relationship to God. So often they don’t take time to consider the claims of this Jesus of the Bible or what God has said about judgement for our sins. And sadly, the attitude is very much that well, there will be nothing due when I “check out” one day. But God says that each one of us is destined to die once. That’s it…one and done. And then after that, the judgement. A lot of folks are confident that they don’t need to pay in God’s currency at that judgement because they feel like they’ve lived a pretty good life. But that is like trying to pay at Walmart with a couple of sticks of gum! It just doesn’t cut it. And the crazy thing is that God is willing to pick up the bill for our sin…because he has already banked enough forgiveness, through Jesus’ death on the cross, for everyone of us to tap into if we will just do it. The problem is that we need to tap into God’s resources of forgiveness before checkout comes around. God has not made it difficult or unreasonable. Just accept what Christ has done on the cross, ask for that forgiveness and invite him to come and dwell in your heart. And when you get in that check out line that every human will walk through, the register will show that your bill has been paid in full. It is a great deal…but it is a once in a lifetime offer. Don’t miss this one!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Hebrews 9:27-28 NLT And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment, (28) so also Christ was offered once for all time as a sacrifice to take away the sins of many people. He will come again, not to deal with our sins, but to bring salvation to all who are eagerly waiting for him.

Remember I’m praying for you!
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