Daily Devotional #1,546

I sat before groups of kids last night with my “Miss Kitty” puppet and my daughter next to me with a giant firefly puppet. We were the teaching part of this summer’s Vacation Bible School. We are doing a “camp” theme and the kids loved watching and hearing us be puppeteers. Our theme verse is Psalm 56:3 “When I am afraid, I put my trust in You”. We asked the different groups of kids what kind of things or situations made them feel afraid. There were lots of them…from being separated from their parents and lost, to having to take tests in school. The puppets and I talked to the kids about being afraid and the promise that God would never leave them, especially in those scary situations. As I was calling on kids to share their fears, I thought about my own fears. And how this verse spoke to me just like it does to those elementary school kids. I assured them that God was there for them and that a special verse for me was there in 1 Peter. He says that this Jesus is both our shepherd and our guardian. They liked that…and I liked that too. I often wonder who gets more out of these VBS programs…the kids, or me? No matter how young or how old, how long we have known this God of the Bible or how new we are to his love and kindness…we need to be reminded that when we are afraid, we need only put our trust in him. Because he will never leave you or forget about you. And that was really good news for all of us last night!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Psalms 56:3 BSB When I am afraid, I put my trust in You.

Remember I’m praying for you!
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