Daily Devotional #1,545

I was talking to my brother and sister the other day and I realized that the three of us didn’t have a normal childhood. As we talked about our past and how we feel about our parents and each other, we have come to realize that we were different. Our parents had struggles like all married couples do, but they continued to love each other and stayed married until our Dad’s death after 57 years of marriage. Our parents disciplined us and they expected good and polite and respectful behavior from us. We look back on our childhood and enjoy telling the stories of what it was like to grow up together. And us three kids…well, we continue to talk each week and have decided to take a trip, just the three of us, because we think we still love each other enough to enjoy a week with just us. Was our growing up perfect? No! Were there trials and even tears? You bet! But as I sat thinking after talking with my brother and sister, I realized that we have so much to be thankful for. We were given a wonderful gift that not every youngster gets. But you know, every one of us has things that we ought to be thankful for to the God who was there for us. Ask God to remind you of the good things, the good times and the good people that he has allowed to come into your life. And then, just tell him “Thank you”. And each day, ask this God of the Bible to show you places where you can give thanks and to build in you a spirit of gratitude that grows each day. And when you do that, life won’t suddenly and always be easy or fun or even pleasant. But when we learn to give thanks for all things, large and small…God begins to plant a song in our hearts and we begin to see more and more the goodness and generosity of the God who reminds us over and over how much in love he is with us. Begin your journey of gratitude and thankfulness and you just might find that you are not living a normal life either.

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Ephesians 5:19-20 BSB Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord, (20) always giving thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Remember I’m praying for you!