Daily Devotional #1,541

When I look around at our world…I get worried. The price of everything has gone crazy and there seems to be no end in sight. People all over seem to have so much anger and so little joy. And I wonder what the world and our country will be like when my granddaughters are grown. And that doesn’t include that old water heater, the algae in the Doughboy pool or the new pains in my body. We could spend all day just finding things to worry about. But God has a message for us. And it isn’t that he is going to make everything perfect for us in this world. No…that will happen in heaven! But in the Apostle Peter’s first letter he wrote to the church and is now a part of the Bible, he tells us to “give all your worries and cares to God…for he cares about you.” That is a wonderful statement and promise. What if we did that each day? I mean every time we had a worry, we stopped for a moment and just said “Lord, this thing concerns or even frightens me. I’m going to do as you asked and give it to you to take care of”? I know what you’re thinking…If I did that, I’d be praying all day long! Well…. I think that’s the idea. To have that continuing conversation with the person who cares about you more than anyone else in all creation is what God wants. So instead of being consumed with worry, let’s both do what God has asked us to do. Every time a worry, a care, or a problem enters our minds or hearts…let’s take a moment to just stop and say to God… “Lord, you asked me to give you every worry and care that comes to steal my joy and peace. I give that to you to handle now.” Let’s give that a try and see what God will do for us. He loves us and wants us to know and experience each day his love and protection that he has promised to us. And if you are thinking of something right now that worries you, spiritual, relational, physical or financial…stop here and give that to God. Because he cares for you and wants you to trust in him and wants you to have that peace and joy that passes all understanding!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

1 Peter 5:7 NLT Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

Remember I’m praying for you!
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