Daily Devotional #1,522

An old friend just died. He and I grew up in the same church. He was three years younger than I was, but we became good friends in college. I went away to school, came back and did graduate work where he was doing his undergraduate studies. He was going with a girl I knew, and they were so different I could see why they broke up. So, I ended up marrying her and he was my best man! The joke at our church was that at our wedding, the older ladies would be asking “Now which one is she actually marrying?” I ended up being his best man and then he and his bride headed back to the University of Wisconsin to get his PhD. He became a professor at a college in Michigan and he spent his life both teaching and being an example of a follower of this Jesus of the Bible in both word and deed. The last time I saw him was before covid hit and he and his family came out to our church where we got to visit for an afternoon. He not only influenced college students, but even as a younger man, he helped to shape my life and commitment to Jesus. When I think of my friend, I see him like Enoch in the Bible…a man who walked with God. I will miss not having his heart and mind and soul here on earth to touch the lives of people with whom he shared this journey on earth. But I am thankful that he was a part of my life and my wife’s. And I look forward to the day when I will be able to be with my friend and we will not be subject to distance or time, or age and we will be able to share life again in the place that God describes to us where he will wipe every tear from our eyes and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. I will look forward to getting to see and share that life with my old friend there with the Jesus we love and served.

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Psalms 116:15 NLT The LORD cares deeply when his loved ones die.

Remember I’m praying for you,
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