Daily Devotional #1,518

World War II had been over for more than six months and my dad was back in his hometown of Dallas, Texas. He and his date were walking on a sidewalk downtown one afternoon just looking in store windows when suddenly a car backfired. Dad said that he looked quickly in the direction of the noise and then turned and saw that everyone on the sidewalk had stopped and was staring at him. He said “I saw that I was crouched down and was straddling the gutter. I didn’t even realize I had moved across the sidewalk and into the street, but when I heard the noise, I automatically went to the lowest ground possible.” He had been a combat infantry soldier in Italy and moving to the lowest ground possible was what he had learned to do when sensing danger. He didn’t have to think about it…that was built into him now. He and his date laughed it off, but that’s where he had learned to go for protection. How about you and me? Where is the first place we go when we sense we need protection? It could be physical protection, or spiritual, or emotional, or financial. Where do you turn when you find yourself at risk or actually facing danger? The Psalms tell us that if we will live in the shelter of God…that we will find rest under his care. That he alone is our place of safety. If you haven’t discovered it yet, life presents us with all kinds of dangers and risks. But God’s promise is that if we will stay close to him…he will protect us. So invest your time in getting to know this God of the Bible who promises to protect you and give you rest. Let your response be like my dad’s, where you don’t have to think or try to decide where to go or to whom you will go. When danger presents itself, train yourself to automatically go first and fast to the God who wants to be your protector and refuge. Make sure he is your God and then spend time with him enough that you can trust him in any circumstance. Because with him you will find shelter and rest for your body and your soul.

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Psalms 91:1-2 NLT Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. (2) This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.

Remember I’m praying for you,
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