Daily Devotional #1,516

I love the story about the two guys who loved and lived baseball. One day Ted said to his buddy Ned… “Listen, we really want to know if there is baseball in heaven. So, the first one of us who dies, do all you can to get word back to the other and let him know”. They agreed and sure enough Ned went to be home with the Lord. Ted missed his friend but kept hoping he might hear from him from the other side. Sure enough, one day he hears Ned’s voice, “Ted, it’s me…” Ted is beside himself and says, “Ned it really is you…now you have to tell me…is there baseball in heaven?” Ned says “Yes, but there is some good news and some bad news.” Ted says “So tell me…” Ned goes on and says “The good news is that baseball in heaven is incredible. There is nothing like it on earth. And everybody gets to play!” And Ted asks, “So what is the bad news?” “Well, Ted you are pitching next Tuesday!” That old story is a reminder to us that our days on this earth are in reality, pretty short. And we don’t know how many of them we will have. The good news is that heaven is waiting for all those who have loved this Jesus of the Bible. But while we are here, our goal should be to do all the good we can, while we can. And the best way to do that is to do as God asked…Love God and love people. It’s the best way to live life and if it does turn out you are pitching on Tuesday…it is a great legacy to leave behind here on earth and to bring into heaven.

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

James 4:14 NLT How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog— it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.

Remember I’m praying for you,