Daily Devotional #1,515

I love the story of the little girl who was walking home from school, and she saw a bright, but torn piece of paper fluttering in the gutter. As kids will do, she reaches down and picks up the paper and looks at it for a moment and suddenly her face lights up and she runs the rest of the way home with the paper in hand. She burst into the house shouting for her mom and finds her in the kitchen. She is all smiles, so mom is not worried but asks her little girl what she is so excited about. The little girl thrusts out her hand with the torn piece of paper in it and says “Look Mama…read this!” Mom takes the paper and reads out loud “For God so loved the world that he gave…” and that was it! She realized that it was a part of John 3:16, but only half…the rest was torn off. She smiled at her daughter and gently said “Why are you so excited? It doesn’t really make sense”. The little girl broke out in a big grin and replied “Oh Mama, don’t you see? If God loves me enough to give me anything…it means that I never have to be afraid of him again!” You don’t have to be afraid of God ever, because he has loved us so much that he not only gave to us…he gave the very best gift that could ever be given. He gave us his son… just so that we could live with him forever. The one who didn’t deserve to die went to the cross for those who didn’t deserve to live. As long as you walk on planet earth, keep in your heart the knowledge that you are loved by this God of the Bible more than you can ever imagine. Go and taste his love today.

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

John 3:16 EMTV For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Remember I’m praying for you,
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