Daily Devotional #1,506

Have you ever had a time when you thought, “Come on God…why are you allowing this to happen? Give me a break!” I have, but then I remember a story that the author Corrie ten Boom used to tell about her time in a Nazi concentration camp. She and her family had taken on the task of hiding and protecting Jewish people in Amsterdam after they were invaded in WW II. They were betrayed by a neighbor, and all were arrested and sent to camps. Corrie and her younger sister Betsy were sent to Ravensbrück. They were assigned to a dirty, overcrowded barracks building. They somehow got a Bible and tore it apart so others could have parts of God’s Word to read and began to tell the people in their building about the Jesus of the Bible. And then, in the midst of their ministry to fellow inmates, their barracks became infested with bedbugs! Corrie wrote that she was complaining to God, but Betsy told her that the Bible said that we are to give thanks in all circumstances. Corrie wrote that she bit her lip and began to give thanks. Over time they realized that the guards never found any of their pieces of the Bible hidden in their building and they never interrupted their Bible studies. They wondered how God was making this protection possible. And one day they overheard a guard saying that guards never wanted to go into that building…because it was filled with bedbugs! When you encounter hard times and then they seem to get even worse…remember that God is not sleeping, nor has he abandoned you. Right in front of the enemy, he just might be protecting you in ways that you cannot now comprehend. So, hang in there and give thanks and remember that God’s ways are way above your ways and my ways. You just never know how he is going to make things all come together for his glory and his purposes!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Isaiah 55:8-9 NLT “My thoughts are nothing like your thoughts,” says the LORD. “And my ways are far beyond anything you could imagine. (9) For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so my ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts."

Remember I’m praying for you,