Daily Devotional #1,503

There was a guy I knew who was a follower of this Jesus of the Bible. He was telling me of a group that met in his area that was known for doing some pretty evil things. He knew where they gathered, and he would end up driving by the place often. He said that every time that he went by, he would pray. I couldn’t help but wonder what type of prayers this godly guy would pray over this place and these people. And before I could ask, he said “Every time I go by that place, I pray that God would fill it with the love and kindness of Jesus”. I was surprised, but I loved that. To pray that in their meetings that all around them they would be filled with the love and kindness of Jesus. Kindness can be a rare character trait out there in the world. And the reason is that it is a part of love. The Apostle Paul said that love was both patient and kind and that it doesn’t demand its own way. And for us to receive and to give kindness opens the door to God’s continuing work in our hearts. So, seek to show kindness when you are able to summon up the courage and strength to do so. And when you want God to open the doors of the hearts of those who struggle against him…pray that their place and their hearts will be filled with the love and kindness of Jesus.

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

1 Corinthians 13:4-5 NLT Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud (5) or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged.

Remember I’m praying for you,