Daily Devotional #1,502

Betty and Judy escaped custody yesterday. They just walked out the front gate and no one stopped them. They were apprehended when they stopped to get some grass, something they hadn’t been able to have inside. Well, actually, Betty and Judy are our two laying hens. The gate to their pen didn’t latch fully and they just wandered into the backyard. I watched them come out to see what they would do and to make sure that their curiosity didn’t put them in danger of predators that would love to have a chicken dinner. And they did go for the grass that was on the outside of their protected area. They didn’t go far, they just wandered a bit, got some greenery, a worm or two and they were ushered easily back inside. They were willing to head back into their pen because I think they are pretty content with what they have in life. As I watched the two of them just stay close to their home, I realized that there was no “passion” to get more than a quick look around. They have all that they need to have a good and fulfilling “chicken life”. I wondered how many of us live lives with that kind of contentment. It seems like we are taught that we need to be constantly moving on up in order to get more experiences and especially more stuff if we are ever going to be happy. The Apostle Paul reminded the church in the city of Phillipi that he had learned how to be content in his circumstances. He believed that God would provide all that he needed and in him, the simple things would be enough. So if you are looking for happiness in this life, ask God to help you to be content with whatever he provides. Don’t take the risks of losing the most precious things in life because you are looking for something to bring satisfaction to your heart. Let God and his presence and love bring you that satisfaction and contentment. You enjoy what you have and hold on to God’s promises for a great big beautiful tomorrow. And don’t miss the joy of experiencing just what God has given you today.

Here’s our Bible verse for today… Philippians 4:11 NLT Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have.

Remember I’m praying for you,