Daily Devotional #1,476

Has anyone ever made a promise to you? Of course they have! From the government to Amazon to people we trust…we get promises from them. And we make promises too! And the problem is that those around us don’t always keep the promises that they have made. But you and I don’t either. I had a coach that once sat us down and said “Guys, you need to know that you are only as good as your word”. I’ve remembered that since high school. I got to thinking about times when I haven’t kept my promises to people, even to myself and then especially to God. But God is different from us. When he promises us something, he always comes through. So often we think of God being like us…that he just didn’t have the commitment to honor the promise that he made to us or maybe he just forgot. But that isn’t true. When we see the promises we have from God, that we can read about in the Bible, we have to remember something…God is never late in honoring his promises to you…but he is never early either. He does it at just the right time. So never give up on God or the future that God has promised you. Others may let you down, but God…he can always be trusted to keep his promise to you. And for you and me…if we want to be imitators of God, keeping our promises is a great way to honor him.

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Hebrews 10:23 NLT Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise.

Remember I’m praying for you…
Pastor Joe
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