Daily Devotional #1,475

There were five of them that came into our backyard. Each one wore a mask, and they were so quiet that we would not have known they had been there if not for the way they vandalized our property. They made a similar attack on our neighbors, but our neighbors were able to get photos so we could identify them. We have been attacked by a gang of…racoons! We live in town and can’t imagine where in the world these five have come from. Actually, they looked pretty cute in the pictures, but they were digging up both of our yards. Some people think that they would make cute pets, but they are wild animals and can do a lot of damage to property and people. The advice is to just leave them alone and try to take away whatever it is that they are looking for. I got to thinking about that, Satan does the same kind of thing. The Bible says that he doesn’t come looking as a horrible, evil being, but as an angel of light. And those who have thrown in with him against the God of the Bible, they disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. We need to use some real discernment in our journey in this world because there are a lot of ideas, situations and people who are committed to tearing up your faith and confidence in God. They may look and sometimes even sound innocent, but like the racoons…they have sided with the one who Jesus says comes to steal, kill and destroy. Do what you need to keep them out of your “spiritual backyard”. There are plenty who will welcome the opposition to the God of the Bible and the love and grace that he brings even to those who hate him. Don’t be one of those and don’t invite them into your backyard!

2 Corinthians 11:14-15 NLT But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. (15) So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve.

Remember I’m praying for you…
Pastor Joe