Daily Devotional #1,456

I heard a story about Corrie Ten Boom who with her father and sister hid Jewish people from the Nazis in Amsterdam during World War II. She and all her family were discovered and ended up in concentration camps. After the war, there was only her and a nephew left of the family. After the war, she was a great spokesperson for this Jesus of the Bible and was honored in many ways towards the end of her life. On one occasion she was presented with an honorary degree and afterwards there were reporters interviewing her. One of them asked Corrie if it was hard for her to remain humble with all of the attention that she was now getting. She told the crowd, “When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, on the back of a donkey, the people waved palms, laid their garments to create a carpet on the road and sang songs of praise. Do you think that for one moment that donkey thought that celebration was for him?” She said that in her life, she was the donkey on which Jesus rode in his glory in the good that she was able to do in her life…he, not me, deserves all the praise and the honor. For us, as we stay close and connected to this same Jesus, he will do some pretty special things in our lives and through our lives. He said that our lives will bear fruit…but he is the one who produces it. So, remember that all the good and noble things that you are able to do…well, Jesus is behind it all. He brings his power and grace and love to bear in any circumstance or opportunity. You might think that you are just window dressing then. Not so. You remember that donkey from Palm Sunday? Jesus specifically chose that donkey to share in the glory of that day. The cheering was for Jesus…but the donkey was available and had a part in making it all happen. And don’t forget…every Palm Sunday…we still talk about that donkey!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

John 15:5 NLT “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing." 

Remember I’m praying for you…
With love, PJ
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