Daily Devotional #1,446

I went to Walmart yesterday after church and it was crowded. I couldn’t come up with a reason, but I got talking to one of the checkers and she said that since it was the first day of daylight savings time, she figured that everyone got up late! It sounded reasonable to me too. I made my way out to the parking lot to my wife’s car that I had just washed for her and looked over my shoulder and a huge pickup was next to me. I started to back up, but my wife’s car has this warning beep that starts if there is a car coming across behind you. I heard it but was still trying to look behind this big pickup as I put on the brakes. The car stopped and then to my horror…it started moving backwards! I pressed on the brake harder, but I could see that I was still moving backwards as I was watching the pickup beside me. My wife hadn’t complained about any kind of braking problem, but I couldn’t get the car to stop. I was still going backwards and was almost at the end of the big pickup and then I would be in the crowded lane of traffic. I grabbed the wheel harder and glanced up at the driver’s side of the pickup…and there I saw a lady…who I then realized was slowly pulling into the parking stall beside me. I wasn’t moving backwards; she was moving forwards! I felt pretty silly…but very thankful that nothing was really wrong except for my point of reference. I thought about that as I drove back home. It is easy to get disoriented in life. We look at the culture and society all around us that is changing fast and constantly and sometimes feel like we are doing something to make us out of step with life itself. We see people’s values and conduct, and beliefs go in a whole different direction. And in all the noise and confusion that is around us…we are told that it is God and belief in God that is the real problem with the world. They claim they’ve got it right…and we…well, we are slowing drifting uncontrollably into “traffic”. And you are going to be admonished to change and keep up with where the rest of the crowd is headed. But there is a key verse in the Bible that you and I need to hang on to. It is in the 13th chapter of the book of Hebrews in the Bible. It simply states, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” He doesn’t change. His Bible doesn’t change. His love doesn’t change. The truth doesn’t change. But all around us it looks like sinking sand that sucks anyone into it who has no real foundation for their lives. So don’t do like I did in that parking lot. Don’t look around you in this changing world for a foundation for your life. God has given you the only place you can go that will never change…and it is to this Jesus of the Bible. So, keep your focus on him and his Word. Let him be your reference point for all you believe and do and you are going navigate through this life with purpose, fulfillment and joy. And when this life is over…heaven! It is a great deal for a great life…don’t miss out on it!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Hebrews 13:8 NLT Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Remember I’m praying for you…
With love, PJ
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