Quail Lake Community Church

Daily Devotional #1,445

Do you ever feel like you’ve just had it? You believe God and his promises, but life gets overwhelming, and you fall into a funk and just want it all to go away. I don’t know about you, but when I feel that way, I feel like I’m just not being the follower of Jesus that I ought to be. And you feel this sense of loneliness…I’m in this life all by myself…no one else is feeling what I’m feeling and doing what I’m doing. If you have gone through that, you are in good company. Most folks feel like the greatest prophet in the Old Testament is Elijah. He was bold and God used him in so many different ways. One time God used him to bring about a miracle in the presence of the government’s handpicked religious (pagan) leaders where he literally brought down fire from heaven! That put even more pressure on Elijah, and he was hunted down by the country’s leaders. The Bible shows him being depressed and lonely and finally he says to God “I have had enough, LORD,” he said. “Take my life, for I am no better than my ancestors who have already died.” He said…God, I have served you and the people rejected you and then killed all the other prophets…I’m the only one left now…I give up. And God reminded Elijah that he was still God and that he had good things for Elijah to do. And then he said to Elijah…I have kept 7,000 other men in Israel who have been faithful to me. You are not alone. Wherever it is that God has you right now, remember that you cannot see what God sees. You don’t have the power that God has. And you don’t know all those that he has working for him. God’s message to Elijah and to you and me is, Don’t give up. It doesn’t matter what it looks like out there or what you feel like inside you. We have a God who promises that with us, there are things that are impossible. Not so with God…with God all things are possible. God knew it was hard for Elijah and he knows it is hard for you at times. But like he said to his great prophet, get up, get moving and get back in the game. He has confidence in you…you just have faith in him. With that combo…you and God win. Don’t quit!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

1 Kings 19:18 NLT Yet I will preserve 7,000 others in Israel who have never bowed down to Baal or kissed him!”

Remember I’m praying for you…
With love, PJ
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