Daily Devotional #1,441

A buddy of mine and I went to an antique store the other day to look for stuff for electric trains. He and I have trains and enjoy running them and letting kids get to share in the fun of seeing them operate. We went to this place because there is a guy who has rented a small section of the building and made it into a mini train store! We got to talking about trains and where he got the stuff he has, which is all previously owned. He told us that there was a time when people saw these toy trains not only as enjoyable stuff to collect and operate, but as an investment in the future. The thought was that these would continue to grow in value and could be something worthwhile passing on to family and friends. The problem is that while they once were a valuable commodity, they are hardly worth anything now. Most manufacturers of these kinds of toys are out of business or have dramatically scaled back their manufacturing and inventory because folks just don’t see the value in them. And for those who were left large collections need help disposing of all this stuff that was once seen as valuable by their owners and by another generation. You can order train stuff online, but our seller said that as far as he knows, he is the only place for a hundred miles around where you can walk in and buy pieces or sets of trains. And those collections? Well, he helps folks get rid of them and uses his section in the antique store as an outlet for the few interested parties left out there. I got to thinking about that. How often do we look at things in this world as valuable…but then at some point realize that they are virtually worthless? The Apostle Paul talked about what he had invested his life in as a young man. The reputation he gained and the positions of power and prestige he held. And then he met this Jesus of the Bible and his life and values all changed. The things that he had given himself to that were supposed to be the key to success and happiness he now called worthless…compared to knowing Jesus Christ as his Lord. As a matter of fact, he said that compared to this Jesus, everything else he once treasured was like garbage compared to the everlasting and infinite value he found in Christ. So, as you are on your journey in life hold loosely to what the world keeps telling you is so valuable. Because the most precious thing you can have in this life is the only thing you can take with you when this life ends…and that is a personal relationship with this Jesus of the Bible. It is precious now and will be for all eternity.

Here’ s our Bible verse for today…

Philippians 3:7-8 NLT I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. (8) Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ.

Remember I’m praying for you…
With love, PJ