Daily Devotional #1,438

We have a potluck this morning at church and last night I decided that I would make a couple cherry pies to contribute to the luncheon. I got everything earlier in the day and so I started my pie making and I saw on the cans of the cherry filling that you had to bake the pie for 40 to 45 minutes. I had done this before and thought I would let it bake that long just to be sure it was completely cooked. Well, instead of continually checking on the pies…I just kept checking my watch. And to be honest, I wasn’t concerned about how it would turn out, because it seemed to be pretty straightforward. So, it got to be 40 minutes and I went to check on the pies…and they were done…really, really done. They might be edible, but they sure don’t look good. I’m afraid that there is no way they would be as good as they could have been. And it was my fault…I wasn’t paying attention. I looked at them for about an hour…maybe hoping they would get healed. They didn’t and so I couldn’t stand it anymore and headed back to Walmart to get pie fillings and more roll out crusts and did it all over again. This time I paid attention to what was going on. In Jeremiah 29:11, God says that I know the plans I have for you… But when they translated the Old Testament centuries ago in what we call the King James Version, they used a slightly different wording. It means the same, but it goes like this…For I know the thoughts that I think towards you… I like that. It helps me to understand that God is thinking about me! And he isn’t just daydreaming about me…he is thinking his thoughts toward me. It is purposeful, continual and directional! So, remember that God doesn’t just wander off while you are baking in some kind of difficulty. He knows what is happening, he knows what you need, and he knows what he is going to do for you. And the reason is that he always has you on his mind. So never give in to the idea that God has forgotten about you. You, my friend, are always on his mind… because he loves you day in and day out and will never stop.

Here’ s our Bible verse for today…

Jeremiah 29:11 KJV For I know the thoughts that I think toward you…

Remember I’m praying for you…
With love, Pastor Joe