Daily Devotional #1,432

I went to a Poultry Showmanship Competition yesterday. Yeah, I’ve got a granddaughter who has a chicken she shows in competition. And we have a number of kids from church who were going to be there…so I watched chickens. Actually, it was pretty interesting, and the kids have to stand, holding their chicken still, for a long time in their competition group and each one is called forward and they respond with a very specific protocol. The examiner can ask them virtually anything about poultry and their answers are part of the final score. But the big part of the competition takes place on two covered, long tables. Each owner sets down their bird and with a small aluminum rod they gently tap the bird to get it up and then tap the back of the legs to get it to walk down the tables and then back to the judge. The kids use the rod to keep the birds from straying and to keep them moving. Now, I’ve actually been to several of these, and I was shocked yesterday at how the birds…didn’t respond to their owners! Some would walk a step and then stop and then had to be restarted. Some wouldn’t even walk at all. They just stood there. And one chicken…just sat down and refused to do anything! Now keep in mind that these kids have been practicing regularly with these birds. Maybe it was the crowd, or maybe the other birds…but some of them just refused to do what their owner had planned for them to do. I thought about that as I just hurt for some of the kids who had birds that just decided to quit responding to their owners. I couldn’t help but think…this is a spiritual lesson being played out right before my eyes here. We, who are believers, realize God will lay out plans for us…things for us that he wants us to do. But so often, we look around and see Christians (and ourselves) who will refuse to walk the walk, they go in the wrong direction, or they just sit down and give up on the whole thing. I wondered how many times God has looked at me, like I looked at those stubborn chickens yesterday. God is the one who has prepared good works for us…and we will do them in front of a watching world. And he will prod us with his Word and his Holy Spirit. Our job is to not walk grudgingly nor wander off the path that God has set for us, nor are we supposed to just sit this one out, no matter how much he encourages us to get up and get going. So, take a lesson from a bunch of chickens. If you are a follower of this Jesus of the Bible…God has purchased, you with a great price…the cross. And now, our job is to let him guide us down the path of life and not ignore or reject his efforts to get us moving for his Kingdom! So, remember, the crowd is watching…make God look good!

Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Ephesians 2:9-10 NLT Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it. (10) For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Remember I’m praying for you…
With love, Pastor Joe