My Dad was from Texas and my Mom was from California. My Dad got a job in Texas and so they moved, and I was born there. After a few years, my parents decided to come back to California where they would be close to family. My Dad was a teacher and at the end of the summer in California he was hired at a high school and so he headed back to Texas to pack up what little they owned and my Mom’s younger brother partnered with my Dad. They got to the little town in East Texas, packed up all the belongings in a trailer and began the 1600- mile trip back to central California. They decided that they wanted to get back as fast as possible and wanted to do this as cheap as possible, so they determined to drive straight through…without spending the night anywhere! For hours on end, they drove through most of Texas, all of New Mexico and Arizona and half of California. And everywhere they went, that trailer was bouncing around right behind them. Every gas station, drive-in or rest stop, there was that trailer full of stuff following them. They used to love telling that story of their adventure of when they both were young and just a little bit crazy! But I’ve thought how a lot of us are making a journey kind of like that. We have a lot of things in our lives that seem to chase us wherever we go. They are memories of pain, embarrassment, injustice and guilt. And no matter what we do or where we go, we look in the rearview mirror and there is that load of stuff still tied to us. God doesn’t want us to have do that…to drag all that junk of life behind us all the time. He wants us to live free and fully in his love. But only you can unhitch that trailer and drive on. We do that by being sure we are forgiven…and you do that by simply asking this God of the Bible to do that. And then we need to forgive others…not to give justification to what they did to you, but to release the hold that they have on your heart. Take each thing and ask God to take whatever it is that you are towing through life and let him unhitch it and allow you to continue your journey on this earth. God has good things for you and your life, no matter where you are in the journey…and it is never too late to start. If you ask, he will help you unhitch that trailer and no longer will you be seeing it every time you look in that rearview mirror of life. God wants your journey to be life to the utmost and if you will do this,
the whole trip changes…and ultimately it ends up in a place called home. Let it go…and let God give you life to the fullest! Here’s our Bible verse for today…
Philippians 3:13-14 BSB Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, (14) I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus.
the whole trip changes…and ultimately it ends up in a place called home. Let it go…and let God give you life to the fullest! Here’s our Bible verse for today…
Philippians 3:13-14 BSB Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, (14) I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus.
Posted in Daily Devotionals