Quail Lake Community Church

Daily Devotional #1,747

I had a near death experience. And it was at the hands of my two oldest granddaughters. The granddaughters  are staying with us for a week, and we are in charge of the home schooling for all three of them. The two older  ones ended up with me in my study and they were just not getting their work done. So, I challenged them. I  work out with dumbbells right there in the study and I challenged them to see if they could outwork grandpa!  One set for me is 100 lifts of my weights, 50 on each side. So I said that I would do one set for every section, in  any class, they could finish in their curriculum. Well…they went from zeros to heroes. They went way beyond  anything we could have imagined. One worked all day and didn’t quit until dinner. The deal is that any of their  sections that I have not done my lifts…I have to pay for each one! It was a lot of fun and they got a lot of work  and I’m still lifting. I have until midnight to get as many as I can. Those girls were motivated to do the right  thing. I thought about that in relation to how we live out our lives in Christ. We come, repent and accept his  forgiveness and the eternal life he promises to us. But what keeps us continuing to love him, love others and do  the things that honor him? Well, it is something that should capture our hearts and excite us to action. Why do  we love each other? Because he loved us first. When that finally gets through to us…while we were yet  sinners…he loved us. We didn’t love him; we didn’t obey him…heck a lot of us didn’t even believe he existed.  But he loved us right where we were. That’s our motivation to keep on pressing ahead and striving to live well  and to honor God. My girls found the motivation to work hard and to do the tough assignments. We who 
follow this Jesus of the Bible will find the motivation to not quit when we simply remember that he loved us  first. Here’s our Bible verse for today…  
1 John 4:19 NLT We love each other because he loved us first.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ