I remember asking a friend how they improved their aim when firing a pistol at a target at a range. They said a trick that someone taught them was to put a penny on the front sight, and with your eye on the penny, looking at the target, you gently squeeze the trigger, and you will get closer to that bullseye. The key is to focus on what is in front of you and not get distracted by anything else. Aim and keep that penny balanced. So often in my life I head out to do things and I think they are good and Godly. But there are times when something happens and I flinch in my walk with this Jesus of the Bible and miss hitting the spiritual bullseye. Helen Lemmel was a lady who wrote songs and hymns in the early 1900s. She got married but a tragic illness caused her to lose her vision. Her husband didn’t sign up to nurse a blind wife and so he left her. With all of this happening, someone read to her a pamphlet that had the words “Turn full your soul’s vision to Jesus, and look…look at Him, and a strange dimness will come over all that is apart from Him…” Helen wrote many hymns, but this one has captivated mine and so many hearts and spirits…
O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
The song is Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. It reminds us what the Bible tells us…that we need to keep our eyes on this Jesus of the Bible. There will be lots of things, both what seem good or bad, that will draw our focus away from him. So, aim for him every day, but especially in those times when you are weary or troubled…when things get dark and there is no light…Turn your eyes upon Jesus and look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim…in the light of his glory and grace. Here’s our Bible verse for today…
Hebrews 12:2 NLT We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.
Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ
O soul, are you weary and troubled?
No light in the darkness you see?
There’s light for a look at the Savior,
And life more abundant and free!
Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful face,
And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and grace.
The song is Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus. It reminds us what the Bible tells us…that we need to keep our eyes on this Jesus of the Bible. There will be lots of things, both what seem good or bad, that will draw our focus away from him. So, aim for him every day, but especially in those times when you are weary or troubled…when things get dark and there is no light…Turn your eyes upon Jesus and look full in his wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim…in the light of his glory and grace. Here’s our Bible verse for today…
Hebrews 12:2 NLT We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith. Because of the joy awaiting him, he endured the cross, disregarding its shame. Now he is seated in the place of honor beside God’s throne.
Remember I’m praying for you!
With love, PJ
Posted in Daily Devotionals