Quail Lake Community Church

Daily Devotional #1,740

I sat down with a group of kids at church the other night and we were talking about some of the things that had  made them sad in their young lives. Most of them talked about the loss of a grandparent or a beloved pet. We  talked for a few minutes and then I took out a beautiful red apple and without any explanation, I began eating it  in front of them! It was a crunchy, yummy sounding apple. They giggled and then after a few bites I asked  them how they liked the apple. They just looked at me so I said, “Well, what did that apple taste like?” They  had lots of ideas of how an apple might taste. But I told them that they really didn’t know what my apple tasted  like because I was the one eating it, not them. I explained to them that there were going to be times in their  lives when they were going to be sad or upset or confused or disappointed. And people will want them to be  happy, but they will never really know all that they were feeling. I reminded them that there is someone who  always knows exactly how their hearts feel. The God of the Bible says that he knows our hearts and he knows  everything about us. He knows what we do and what we think and how we really feel. And because they can  be sure that God will know what is in their hearts, we can always go to him and know he will hear us when we  talk to him, comfort us when we are sad and be with us when we are confused. We always need to talk with  those we love and trust, but only God will truly know our hearts and he is the one who can calm us, reassure us  and comfort us any time we come to him. For us, we need to know that we don’t know how the people around  us feel or what they struggle with. We can’t “taste” what they are tasting, but we can listen and love and share  life with them. But they need to know there is a God who loves them and loves us more than anyone ever can.  He knows us and what we are feeling and will never leave us but will be there with us, helping and leading us  loving us each step of the way. Here’s our Bible verse for today…

Psalms 139:1-3 NLT O LORD, you have examined my heart and know everything about me. (2) You know  when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away. (3) You see me when I travel  and when I rest at home. You know everything I do.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ