Quail Lake Community Church

Daily Devotional #1,729

I had some time to kill and the place where I have bought stuff for my trains was just down the street, so I  headed over to see if there was something that I just couldn’t resist. It is located in an antique store so I made  my way to the section where the train stuff was and I saw a building that would go great with my large scale  train I had set up at church for Christmas. It was an awesome price. And then I found some track that was used  but was being sold at a great price. I had money in my pocket that I’d gotten for Christmas, I found stuff that I  really liked…and I walked out of the store empty handed. And the reason? I don’t have room for that stuff. I  just couldn’t figure out where I would put it. So I just walked away. Sometimes I think people look at God that  way. They don’t think God is a fairy tale or bad…they just don’t have room for him in their lives. I could have  bought stuff that day at the shop, but I’d would have had to get rid of some of the stuff that I have holding down  space in my study. And I wasn’t willing to do that. And that may be the way folks get. God, you sound good,  but I just don’t have room for you in my life. In the Book of Revelation, Jesus gives us the image of him  standing outside our door, knocking. We can open the door, to our lives, but a lot of us are content with what  we have…and we won’t. The tragedy of it all is that we leave the best and the only everlasting thing outside.  He said that he was asking us to open our hearts to him and he would come in and we would have this close  connection with each other. But this Jesus of the Bible is a gentleman towards us. He never forces anyone to open that door of their lives. And if you do, yeah, there will be things that you’ll need let go of to give him  room in your heart and life. In the train shop, the prices are so good that they are likely to be gone the next time  I go back. And they are gone forever. Don’t let that be the case with the opportunity God is offering you and  me today. To have him in a close, personal connection with us individually. Clean out all the stuff that you can  and give God room to come in and to work in you, with you and through you. If you walk away or leave that  door closed, it will be gone forever. Don’t miss out on the best deal ever!! Here’s our Bible verse for today…    
Revelation 3:20 CEV Listen! I am standing and knocking at your door. If you hear my voice and open the door,  I will come in and we will eat together.  
Remember I’m praying for you!  
With love, PJ